Most labs suggest using sRGB as their suggested color profile for exported images. For more information on digital photography best practices and workflow regarding color space and color profiles, the American Society of Media Photographers has a great article.
Image Color Profiles
In Album Builder, if you have images with different color profiles (sRGB and Adobe RGB) in the same project, the color profile for your final spreads is determined on export.
When you choose Export for Print, an Export Options dialogue box will appear giving you the ability to select which color profile you want to use for your exported project.
When the export is finished, you will see a confirmation message indicating which color profile was used for your project.
Color Profile Options on Export
Here are the export options for exporting:
Export for Print: sRGB, Adobe RGB or match embedded color space
Export for Proofer: sRGB
Export for Web: sRGB
Export for Splits: sRGB, Adobe RGB or match embedded color space
Export to PSD: Color space is determined by your Color Space settings in Photoshop
Fundy Direct: Color space is automatically determined by your lab and album choice.
Color Management
It is important to have a color managed workflow which includes calibrating your monitor. It's also important to recognize a distinction in the software on your computer.
Most image editing applications, such as Photoshop and Lightroom are color managed applications.
Fundy Designer is not a color managed application. A good example of this is Internet Explorer v6. While it recognizes images with embedded ICC profiles, it does not apply your custom monitor profile and unfortunately, most applications fall into this category.
That's why we recommended that you compare the OUTPUT from our software to the original source images in a color managed application such as Photoshop. Especially if you are seeing a shift in color or contrast between the images in Fundy Designer and Photoshop or Lightroom.
If you aren't using a custom monitor profile, we recommend that you use sRGB mode as the standard setting for your monitor.
Fundy Designer does recognize color space tags in your images and checks that the exported files are tagged correctly or converted to the color space that you selected on export.
Microsoft has a great FAQ for Windows users on Color Management Settings here.
For more info on Managing Images click here.