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Add a New Item (e.g. Start a Subproject)

If you've already created a project using another module (Album Builder or Image Brander), you can create a sub-project (Blog Collage) to use the images you've previously imported for your other project.

*Please note that more than 20 collages within a sub-project can cause the software to crash on export due to memory limitations.

Access Blog Collage

Access Blog Collage

From the project you are currently working on, select the Blog Collage icon. Then select "New Collage".

Name Your Collage

Name Your Collage

Once you select the Blog Collage module, you will be prompted to enter the name of your Blog Collage sub-project.

Begin Designing

Begin Designing

Now that you have created your subproject, you can begin designing!


For more information on Blog Collages, check out these manuals! 

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