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You can add and save personalized branding styles to apply to your collages. This can include a logo, or design elements.

Default and Personal Styles

When you click the Styles icon from the left toolbar, you'll be able to view and select the pre-populated Default Styles. If you have existing styles you've created and saved in the past, those will be shown under the Pinned Styles tab. Any of the default styles can be customized with your logo and text. They are designed to get you as close as possible to a finished style without having to start from the beginning.

Custom Styles

Custom Styles

Style Tools are available to the right of your Collage in Collage View and allow you to customize the look of your Collage.

1) HORIZONTAL COLOR BAR: This allows you to toggle a color bar in the style. See the Horizontal Color Bar section of this page for more information.

2) CUSTOM TEXT: This tab allows you to add Custom Text to the Collage. See the Custom Text section of this page for more information.

3) PERSONAL LOGO: This tab will allow you to import your logo(s). See the Personal Logo section of this page for more information.

4) PIN STYLE: This tab allows you to save the Style on the current Collage for use on future Collages. Once Pinned, the Style will appear in your Pinned Styles. See the Pinned Styles section of this page for more information.

5) LAYOUTS: This icon will take you to the Quick Design Picker, where you can look through dozens of design options for your collage.

Pinned Styles

Once you've designed a Style you like, clicking the Pin Style icon adds the style you created to your Personal Styles tab. To use a pinned style, click the style you want to use and it's immediately used on your collage. Any pinned styles in your personal styles will be saved with a pin icon inside the circle in the upper right. Your history will also show in this view. Anything without a pin is a history state. To delete a personal style, right-click and choose Delete.

Images ©Danny Dong Photography

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