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Export as Splits

If an album company requires albums to be sent as single pages, instead of spreads, click the Export icon and Export for Splits. The album will then be exported as single pages, rather than double page spreads.  


After clicking Export to Print, there will be a prompt to select an export folder location on the hard drive. Once chosen, select the Export Options detailed below.

Pages: Choose to export the entire range of pages in the album or select a range of pages to export individual spreads.

Color Profile: Choose a color profile for exported album spreads. (sRGB, Adobe RGB, Match Images).

Export File Names: Toggle this on to export spreads with the filenames showing for each image in the spreads. This can be useful for proof books and client previews of an album.

After an option is selected, then click the Export button to being the export process.


After clicking the Export button, the export will begin. A progress bar will display showing the export progress. Once the export process is finished, double-check the exported spreads before sending them to a lab.


Video Tutorial

Find more information about Ordering, Exporting, and Proofing projects here.

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