*Please NOTE that Export to PSD requires Photoshop CS6 or later.
Click the export icon and select Export to PSD. Fundy Designer will create layered PSD files of your album spreads. Each image is placed on it's own layer as an embedded Smart Object.
That means you have the advantage of being able to scale the image up and down as much as you want without losing the quality of your original image. The result is always maximum quality regardless of the number of transformations or filters applied. An additional benefit is that you can share your layered PSD file without having to include your image files as they are embedded in the file.
Export Options
Once you select Export to PSD, your options screen will appear.
1. You will need to choose a location for your exported project. By default, the Pictures folder is selected.
2. An export folder will automatically be created for your PSD files. You have the option to name your PSD export folder or use the album name you created in Album Builder.
3. Choose to export the entire album or a range of spreads.
4. You have the option to export guides and the cover template. *NOTE: Only select the export cover template option if you have a cover in the software.
5. Verify your DPI. It automatically defaults to 300 dpi.
6. Once you have made your selections, click Next to proceed or Cancel to exit the PSD export.
*Note: Due to vendor licensing restrictions, background designs will not be exported to PSD.
Preparing Export
The hourglass icon will appear while your album is preparing for export. This may take a couple of minutes depending on the number of spreads you are exporting.
Create PSD
Click Create PSDs to export your spreads to Photoshop! Photoshop will launch and your spreads will be created as layered PSD files and saved as they are finished.
How to Fix a Photoshop Launch Error - Mac and Windows
Your computer has a set of programs that it uses (by default) to open certain file types. Fundy Designer's Export to PSD creates a .jsx script that will run in Photoshop. You must set Photoshop to be the default application. Here's how to change the default program for this .jsx file type to Photoshop so that it will always work.
Step 1: (Mac Instructions)
Locate the file "AlbumImportBin.jsx" that is in the PSD export folder you chose for this album.
Step 2:
Right-click on "AlbumImportBin.jsx" and choose "Get Info." Under "Open With" select Photoshop CS6, CC or CC 2014. And click the button Change All.
You'll get a confirmation box asking if you want to change all TextEdit.app documents with extension ".jsx" to open with Photoshop. Click Continue.
Step 3:
Re-export to PSD from Fundy Designer
Step 1: (Windows Instructions)
Locate the file "AlbumImportBin.jsx" that is in the PSD export folder you chose for this album.
The default location (if none is specified) is: Users/User's name/AppData/Roaming/Fundysoftware/FundyDesigner/Data/Scripts/
Step 2:
Right-click on "AlbumImportBin.jsx" and choose "Choose Default Program." Select Photoshop CS6, CC or CC 2014. Check the box that says “Use this app for all files”
Step 3:
Re-export to PSD from Fundy Designer
Fixing Photoshop CS6 Adobe User Interface Bug
Some people using Export to PSD with Photoshop CS6 may encounter error messages in Photoshop as each layer is created. The layer masks are correct, but the images aren't sized correctly. This only affects a limited number of users who are using Photoshop CS6. To resolve this, go into your Photoshop preferences and choose Interface. Make sure that "Open Documents as Tabs" is checked. This should resolve any further issues when creating PSD files.
Editing your exported PSD spreads in Photoshop
Fundy Designer places your images on individual layers as Embedded Smart Objects with a layer mask. To update the appearance (retouching or adjustments) of that image, you have to double-click on the Smart Object layer. This will open a copy of the embedded file in Photoshop and then you can make edits. At this point, it's the same as opening the photo by itself into Photoshop to make changes.
After you save those changes and close the image, the photo's appearance will update in the layered spread. However, because you're working on an embedded image, the changes you make will not show up in your original photographs (your original source images). The embedded Smart Object is basically a high resolution copy of your original file.
Linking Layer Masks to Images
When you open a layered PSD file that was exported from Fundy Designer, you'll notice the layer masks are not linked to the Smart Object images. If you try to move the layer, the photo will move, but the layer mask will remain in place.
It's easy to link the layer mask to the Smart Object and move them together.
1) Select the layer with the Smart Object image and layer mask.
2) Under the Layer menu choose Layer Mask > Link. You'll notice a link icon appear on the layer indicating the photo and layer mask are now linked.