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Other Card Design Tools

Color Blocks

To add color blocks to a card design, select the icon to the right of the Text icon from the top toolbar.


1. Color: Click on the color filled square to select a color

2. Settings: Move the slider left and right to adjust opacity

3. Size: Set the exact size of the color block

4. Layers: Bring the color block forward or backward for layered designs

5. Alignment: Align the color block within the parameters of the card

6. Delete: Remove the color block

Background Color

Create multi color layers for a card design by selecting the color wheel icon.

Pin Designs to Use Again or Share

Click on the Pin Icon to save to layouts OR Export as a Design Set to download to other computers or share with others.

Scrolling through the Design Preview and Embedded Resources will show the separate assets used in the design.


Remove Guides

Select the eye icon to toggle card guides on and off.

See Chapter "Design Library- Card Designs", for layouts

Watch the Card Designer tools tutorial here.

Images ©Danny Dong Photography

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