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New Drop Zones® 3.0

Drop Zones 3.0 has two incredible new features. First, you can now grab the space between two photos and drag it to make individual photo areas larger and smaller. Secondly, you can now drag and drop photos anywhere within the layout, allowing you to easily create more unique designs.

Image Resizing

We've given you the ability to do what no other design program on the entire planet can do - the ability to dynamically resize image openings.

Grab any space between two images and slide it to change your layout however you want.

If you are grabbing and sliding the space between multiple images and want to adjust just one, use the option/alt key.

Image Placing

Now you can literally drag images anywhere, creating a mix of columns and rows within just one Drop Zone.

This revolutionary feature is going to be an album design game changer!


See a video of our 3.0 Drop Zones here.

Images ©Style  Story Creative

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