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Proofer Website

Proofer Upload

Once your proof has been exported, the client emails will send to alert your clients that their proof is ready for review. A proofer link will also generate once the export has completed. This is the client view link, which you can use to preview the proof or add to an email from your business account.

PLEASE NOTE: If client emails were not set up before uploading your proof, no automatic emails will be sent to your client. However, you will need to input your email address so your client can still send comments and aprove their designs. 


Proofer Link

This link will open to the proofer splash page, where your client will see the subprojects you selected. If a client password was set up, this is what they will see before inputting their password:



 Once in the proofer site splash page, the following will show: 

  1. Proof name
  2. Proof subtitle (if you’ve used this feature)
  3. Slideshow - if a slideshow was created, this option will show. If not, the slideshow button will be absent from this page
  4. Proof Designs button - this button will lead to the proofer site
  5. - 7. The subproject previews that were chosen to show (in this example, there is an album, wall art, and card previews)



Click “Proof Designs” 

If you set up a message in the "Pop Up On Access" area in the "Emails and Custom Text" options before uploading the proof, your client will see this message and be asked to agree or cancel before being able to view their designs. 


After clicking "Proof Designs" (and agreeing to the popup) all subprojects chosen to be in the proof, as well as an option to view the slideshow, will appear

  1. Slideshow
  2. Album subproject(s)
  3. Wall art subproject(s)

    If you scroll down, you will also see your card subproject(s)

  1. See All Images - will link to an external site if used. This can be set up in the "Emails and Custom Text" area before uploading your proof
  2. Send Comments
  3. Approve for print


Opening a Proof:

For every subproject, there will be a “view” button, allowing the user to open that proof

Once inside the proof, the following will show:

  1. Title of subproject
  2. Arrow keys to show pages in albums, rooms for wall art, or flip cards
  3. Create/Edit comments button
  4. See All Images
  5. Send comments 
  6. Approve album for print
  7. Close out of the subproject 




To make comments, click on the comments icon on the far right



Then click on the spread, room, or card, where you would like your comment to be located. This can be an image, face, text, or whatever needs to be commented on. By clicking onto the design, a box will pop up indicating where the comment will be located. The box can be adjusted in size and location if necessary. 



To write a comment, simply type in the text box and hit enter. The comment will then save with options to edit and delete. If these options do not pop up, the comment will not save.



Once the necessary comments have been made, click on the “X” icon above the comments icon to exit that subproject



Sending comments: 

Once all designs have been reviewed, the next step is to send the comments back to the photographer. Sending comments can be done within the designs themselves or from the subproject overview.



After clicking the “send comments” button, options to send comments for the different subprojects will be given. Be sure to select the correct ones and click “send”. This will send an email to the photographer letting them know that you’ve made comments so they can make the appropriate changes.



Approve for print:


Once the client has thoroughly reviewed the designs, they can choose “approve for print” 



Once again, options for which subproject(s) are approved to print will be given. Be sure to select the correct ones, check the final box, initial, and click “send”. This will send an email to the photographer letting them know that the designs are approved and ready to print!proofer_13.png


Images ©Makayla Jade

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