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Getting Started - How to Create a New Proof

Create a New Project


To get started, create Album, Wall Art, and/or Card subprojects. Then navigate to our new Proofer module in the software, which is located between the Album Builder and Gallery Designer module icons. From there, select New Proof to create a new proofer subproject.


Proof Setup

Proofer will automatically create a preview splash page using the existing subprojects in your project file. This view can easily be customized to show only the designs you want your clients to proof. 

Tip: If you create a Proofer subproject, then create an Album, Wall Art, or Card subproject, you will need to create a new Proofer subproject for those new Album, Wall Art, or Card subprojects to populate as an option. Always create your Proofer subproject as the last step in your design process. 


  1. Title: Input the title you would like your client to see when opening their proof.
  2. Subtitle: A smaller subtitle that could be the date or anything else you feel is pertinent.
  3. Color options: You can change the color of the sidebar and the text color that will appear in the proof.
  4. Logo: Add your logo here and it will be displayed towards the bottom of the sidebar when clients open their proof. We recommend using a png file that is no larger than 1000x1000 pixels. We also support jpeg logos.
  5. Preview modes: These are the different preview options available. There are 8 options: (1) Album, Wall Art, and Card, (2) Album and Wall Art, (3) Album and Card, (4) Wall Art and Card, (5) Album only, (6) Wall Art only, (7) Card only, and (8) Custom Image. You will only see options for subprojects you currently have in your project. 

Preview Choices

Now that you have chosen these settings, it’s time to choose what the preview for each product will be!

You will see a dropdown menu (see screenshot above) for each option that is on the preview. In the example above, there is a separate dropdown menu for Album, Wall Art, and Card, as that is the option that was selected.
  1. Subproject choice: This is where you will choose the subproject for that preview. If you have multiple subprojects, be sure to choose the correct revision before uploading. This selection will determine which subprojects are shown in the proof splash page preview, it does not determine what designs will be uploaded to proofer (that will be done on the next step).

  2. Preview Image selection: This will allow you to choose which specific image you want as the preview. The options will be slightly different depending on the product type. 
    • Albums: Choose which spread of the album you would like to display on this splash page. 
    • Wall Art: Choose which Room in your subproject you would like to display.
    • Cards: Choose between displaying the front, inside (if applicable), or back.

Select next under the Preview Mode selection to move on to the next step


Select Designs to Proof

Next you will select the designs you would like to send to your client to proof. Make sure to select all subprojects you want your clients to proof by checking the box to the left of the subproject title. Select Next to continue.


Up next is the slideshow. If you are a seasoned Fundy user, you’re probably already familiar with this section (if you’re new or want a refresher, check out this article). If you don't want to include a Slideshow, select Next to continue to the next step.

Client Emails & Custom Text

The next step in the upload process is Emails and Custom text. We’ll go through each option you have at this step. Email_and_Custom_Text.png
  1. Client name: Input the name(s) of your client(s) here. 
  2. Client email: Place the email addresses for your clients and anyone else who would like a link to the proof sent to them. If you would like a copy of the email being sent to your client, you can add your own email address.
  3.  Client password: If you would like to password protect your proof, use this field otherwise there will be no password. This is optional.
  4. Your email address: It is very important to input your email here as this is where you will get notifications about comments and approved designs. You will not be able to upload a Proofer subproject without your email here.
  5. All images external link: If you use a 3rd party website to display your client's collection of final images, you can paste that link here. This is optional. 
  6. Pop up on access: If you'd like to have a message pop up for your clients when opening the proof, you can place that text here. This is optional. 
  7.  Announcement email subject: This will be the subject line of the first email sent to your clients. You can see how to format the body of these emails here
  8. Announcement email body: This is the message that will be sent in the first message your clients receive. 
  9. Send announcement email: In order for the system to send emails to your client, you need to check this box to send the first email. Otherwise this email will not be sent. 
  10. Reminder email subject: This will be the subject line of the reminder emails sent to your clients.
  11.  Reminder email body: This is the message that will be sent in the reminder messages your clients receive. 
  12. Send reminder email: In order for the system to send emails to your client, you need to check this box to send the reminder emails. Otherwise these emails will not be sent. You can adjust these settings to send reminder emails Weekly, Biweekly, or Monthly.

Select Next to continue


Exporting Your Proof

The next step is to Export and Upload your Proof. Select Export and Upload at the bottom to move to the next step.Export_and_Upload.png
If you have previously uploaded this proof, you will see some additional options on this screen. You can go through an uploaded proof to just change the Title, Subtitle, and Logo of a Proof. This can be useful if you made a spelling mistake in those sections.

The toggle to the right will allow you to overwrite the current Proofer subproject. This should only be done in cases where there were mistakes made in the designs, emails, or text uploaded. Any comments that were associated with the Proofer subproject prior to this will be deleted when overwriting.

Review for Accuracy

Review your title and subtitle (always check for spelling mistakes), and confirm the designs you are including to be proofed. Select Next once you have reviewed this information. 

Pre-Flight Checklist

The next step will be a Pre-Flight Checklist to ensure everything will upload correctly. 

In the case that your proof does not pass all these checks, there will be a yellow triangle to the left of the section that failed and an error message at the bottom. In the example above, no email address was entered, so it shows an alert that there is no client to send emails to and no photographer email to receive comment notifications. If you are unsure of what your error message means, take a screenshot of the Pre-Flight Check tab and submit a ticket to our support team with that image. 

Create Proof Files

Up next, the export will create your proof files. For this step, sit back and watch your files fly by! If you have any trouble exporting at this step, please read through this article. Select Next after all files have been created.



The next step you will see is the Upload process. Blue checkmarks will appear next to anything that has successfully uploaded. If you get any error messages on this screen and are unsure what they mean, take a screenshot of the Upload step and submit a ticket to our support team with that image. 


Preview and Link

You've made it! Now you will see a small preview of the splash page (without the sidebar) and have a link to copy for your clients. This link will be stored on the bottom right when going into that proofer subproject at a later time or after selecting Finish.


If you have any questions or need clarification on any of these steps, please submit a ticket to our support team


Images © Robert J Hill Photography

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