To add Text to a spread, be in Designer View, and use the T icon in the toolbar at the top of the spread.
The text will be placed on the canvas in its own Drop Zone
Move and Resize Text Box
To move the text, click the edge of the orange Drop Zone and drag.
To resize the box, click and drag an orange corner.
Custom Text Tools
1. Change Font: Select from a list of fonts installed
2. Rotate Text: Rotate the text 90 degrees counterclockwise
3. Layer Order: Move the text Drop Zone forward or backward
4. Box Alignment: Options for where to align the text box on the canvas
5. Bold: Make the text bolded
6. Italics: Make the text italicized
7. Font Size: Change the size of the font
8. Text Justification: Left, Center, or Right justify the text
9. Color: Change the color of the text
10. Pencil: Where you will type text, including creating multiple lines of text with the same font size and style.
11. Delete: Discard this Drop Zone
How to put different sizes or fonts on the same image
In the example, lines of text are different in font, size, and color. Create them using two separate text Drop Zones, there are options using an external editor as well.
The first option would be to open a specific image in an external editor (using the pencil icon in the image toolbar) and add the text there. Then save and update the image.
The other option would be to create a text box and save it as a .jpg, then bring that image file in and place it on the page.