Getting Started
To connect Fundy to Photoshop, go to Edit > Choose External Editor from the top menu of the software. From there, select Photoshop (CS6 or newer) to establish a file path between the two programs.
**Note: Be sure to select (Mac) or Photoshop.exe (Windows) when selecting your external editor.
How To Use It
To edit an image using the External Editor feature, double click on your spread to open Designer View, select the image you want to edit, then click on the pencil icon in the toolbar to the right. Please note, when editing through the External Editor feature, images are dynamically updated in Fundy.
If you want to edit entire spreads in Photoshop, please see this article.
Shell Code Error: 1
This type of error indicates that the connection between Fundy Designer and your editing application has been disrupted. To fix it, simply go to Edit > Choose External Editor from the top menu and select PS. Once you've done that, try clicking the pencil icon again. If the issue persists, please submit a ticket to our support team.
Video Tutorial
Want to see it in action? Take a look at this video!
Images ©Danny Dong Photography