Getting to the Dashboard
To get to your Design Proofer Dashboard, go to Pro Enhancements > Design Proofer Dashboard in Fundy Designer.
You can also get to this area by going directly to or Help > Manage MyFundy Account in the software.
Logging into Design Proof Dashboard
After logging in with your licensed Fundy email and password, you will see three options. Choose Design Proofs on the left.
If you need to reset your password, please see this article.
Design Proof Dashboard
The information displayed on this dashboard is:
1. Edit proof information. Click here to edit the proof status and/or notifications.
2. The subproject name of the Proof. You will be able to quickly find this proof by opening the client's project, selecting the Proofer module and choosing the corresponding subproject name from the list.
3. Client Name. This is the name inputted for your client when uploading the proof.
4. Client Email. This is the email(s) inputted for the client when uploading the proof.
5. Status. There are two statuses, Ready and Approved. Approved is displayed when the client approves all designs in the proof. Ready is displayed in all other scenarios.
6. Link. This is the link to your uploaded proof.
7. Date Created. This is the date and time the proof was uploaded. This is also the date and time any announcements emails were sent if a client email was included and the announcement email box was checked.
8. Last Updated. If you updated your proof, this is the last date and time that happened.
9. Last Client Activity. This will show the last date and time that your client sent comments or approved the design.
10. Password. This is the password used for this proof, inputted when creating the proof.
Status Info
Click on the pencil/edit icon to the far right of your proof name (number 1 from above).
1. Title. Here you'll be able to edit your proof title if needed. *
2. Subtitle. You can edit your subtitle here. *
3. See All Images Link. Edit your image link here. *
4. Client Password. Edit your client password here. *
5. Delete Proof. This will delete your proof. Once this action has been taken, it cannot be undone
6. Archive Proof. This will archive your entire proof and all it's designs.
7. View Design. This will take you to the proofing link
8. Archive Design. This will archive this design only so clients will be unable to view that in the proofing link. Continue scrolling here to view other designs in the proof, and archive if necessary.
* Any changes to these fields will not be reflected in the software, however they will appear in the client proofing link
Switch to the notification settings.
1. My Information. As the photographer, you can edit your name and email. *
2. Client Information. You'll be able to edit the client name and email here. *
* Changes made here will not be reflected in the software
3. Popup Text On Access. Edit your popup text here.
4. Reminder Email. Edit info for your reminder email here. Be sure to check the box to send the email. You can also click "weekly" and change when the reminder emails will send - weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
*Be sure to click the "update" button if you've made any changes to these fields.