If you are receiving a Server May Be Offline message when trying to upload a proof or you are not able to successfully place a direct order, please try the following troubleshooting steps. If these do not work, please contact support.
- Allow Fundy Designer through your firewall and antivirus
- Ensure Fundy Designer has correct permissions
- Move your projects locally
- Adjust your network settings
- Try a mobile hotspot
- Create a new proof or a new upload
Firewall & Antivirus
Please ensure Fundy Designer is allowed through the firewall and is added as an exclusion to your antivirus software. Please restart your computer after making these changes. You can also try temporarily turning these softwares off and attempting the upload.
Close Fundy Designer and right-click on your Fundy Designer application, select "Get Info" or "Properties" and make sure Fundy Designer and your user has Read & Write permissions. Please repeat this process with your project file and the external drive it is saved to if applicable.
Project Location
Please close Fundy Designer and move your fsd file to your local Documents or Desktop folder. Then open Fundy Designer and select Open Project from the dashboard and navigate to the new saved location.
If you are on a Mac, please ensure your Documents and Desktop folders are not being backed up to iCloud. To do this, choose Apple menu > System Preferences. Click Apple ID, then click iCloud. On macOS Mojave or earlier, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud. Next to iCloud Drive, click Options. Deselect Desktop & Documents Folders. Click Done.
Network Settings
If the above steps have not worked, please adjust your network settings to turn off IPv6.
For Mac
Please select Apple menu > System Preferences > Network. Then Select Advanced in the bottom right.
After that, select the TCP/IP tab in the top and then change the IPv6 setting to Link-local only
For Windows
Search for ncpa.cpl in your windows search bar and this will bring up your Network settings. Right-click your internet connection and select Properties.
After that, uncheck the box that says Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and select OK.
Try a mobile hotspot
It's possible your wifi security may be inhibiting the software from connecting to the server. To rule this out, if you have a mobile hotspot, please try connecting to that. Once you do that, try a fresh proof!
Create a New Upload
After you have changed all of these settings, please restart your computer and create a completely new proof or direct order upload. If this message is still persisting or your direct order is not going through, please contact support.